Industry Portal:
PMS has transformed the interaction of MNC with industry and distributors by providing a seamless registration process and allocation of NOCs through web interface. It automates the registration process flow for precursor chemicals to reduce the inefficiencies in the process. This system has replaced the manual process which was prone to errors and delays in the past. Industry can submit all information related to registration and NOC issuance through the portal in digital form and track its status on dashboard.
Automated workflow:
PMS automates the entire workflow of precursor’s control regime through web interface. All stakeholders are provided with customized dashboards to perform tasks digitally using internet connection. This system also allows officials holistic overview of entire process and option to review registration and issuance of NOC for controlled chemicals.
One of the core benefits of a digital system is to provide accurate and precise information regarding any part of data submitted to the system. PMS is equipped to deliver track of registration process, NOC issuance and document verifications. Companies can check the status of submitted applications. They can also view the “Summary/Notifications” regarding their submitted application(s) for registration or NOC with the current status.
Officials at MNC can track progress/status of all applications through its dashboard and provide its input where necessary. This system also helps senior management to gauge workload of different departments under the ministry.
Real time notifications to users of the system regarding different stages of processing of applications helps in taking any action promptly.
Cooperation between Government Departments:
The platform provides tools for effective coordination and cooperation between different government departments including MNC and ANF. During the entire process, all stakeholders can connect to each other via PMS and perform respective functions. ANF can provide input to its directorates and police stations at field whereas officials at MNC can provide input to received applications by ANF for further processing. This can increase the efficiency and improve communication among different stakeholders.
Customized Reports and Infographics:
The PMS provides comprehensive reporting system along with visual dashboards which include graphs, charts, funnels, maps, tables and other visualization solutions that show different data related to company registration, NOC issuance and consumption patterns. All these reports are accessible to each user based on their scope of work and levels. This feature can highlight the progress and performance of different departments through reliable statistics. PMS allows users to generate standardized and customized reports. Standardized Reports provide an overview of metrics within the data through visualizations whereas customized Reports allow the application through a series of filters to facilitate specific analysis.
Smart System:
The use of technology in the government sector is progressing; therefore, it was essential to design a user-friendly system to make it compatible with other technological initiatives. The PMS can also be accessed via smartphones, tablets and has the ability to sync with other databases and systems presently used by federal and provincial government departments. It will be a steppingstone towards digitalization and modernization of Ministry of Narcotics Control.
URL to access Precursor Management System;
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